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People are central to the success of your business

According to ADAA (Anxiety and Depression of America) 56% of workers reported that stress and anxiety interfered with their performance at work. Mind UK reports that 1 in 6 workers are dealing with mental problems such as stress, depression or anxiety and that these conditions are stopping them to perform at their best.

Stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems can have a significant impact in the workplace including procrastination and missing deadlines, difficulties with memory and learning, team moral, hypersensitivity and withdraw.

Where can I help?

  • Mediating conflict between co-workers
  • Helping individuals believe in their own abilities
  • Adapting to changing and increasing responsibilities at work
  • Encouraging workers to keep mentally and physically healthy
  • Supporting them when under stress
  • Treating them if suffering from any mental health issue
  • Helping them establish a balance between work and life

Personal challenges make parte integrant of the workplace as well as pressure, stress and tension. Almost all people are at least a little bit crazy sometimes, but when the pressure is too high and life if tough problems can arise. Tackling those problems can make the difference between an unproductive and productive team.