Life Coaching

Life coaching is about you, where you are in your life, and where you want to get.

What is this about?

Many people have asked me if they could see me without having any major problem, just to speak and ask for advice. Changing and making decisions can be scary and can lead to fear that develops into phobia, and anxiety that develops into stress and depression.

Coaching someone

You have probably heard people talking about coaching, but what exactly is coaching, and how can it be useful to you?

Coaching is about inspiring, creating and get things done. There are situation when things need to be fixed. The benefit of having a therapist as a coach is that limitations and negative patterns that are stopping you moving forward are treated.

What can coaching help you with?

  • Confidence, Self-Worth & Self Esteem
  • Healthy Loving Relationships
  • Professional personal Balance
  • Self-Care, Self-Identity
  • Living Your Purpose
  • Managing Anger, Upsets and Frustration
  • Managing Change
  • Connection Parenting
  • Career Change – Career progression
  • Food, Nutrition, & Optimal Health

How is coaching different from therapy?

  • Coaching tends to be forward-looking whereas counselling spends considerable time assessing past influences
  • Coaching is targeted and goal-orientated whereas counselling entails a more general, broad-based exploration
  • The focus in coaching is on evolving and improving (realising potential) rather than healing or understanding as it is in counselling