Clinical Therapy for Blushing

Blushing has happened to everyone at some point in their lives, but if it becomes a problem, it can interfere with everyday life causing psychological problems such as anxiety or social phobia.

The most common cause in adults is that the individual have experienced a situation where his/her blushing has been pointed out to others usually during childhood. This increased the person’s feeling of embarrassment which set up a vicious circle of worrying. There are some cases however, where blushing has not apparent cause and it is necessary to go deeper in understanding its origin.

woman hiding her face

Blushing happens when the person’s sympathetic nervous system causes blood vessels to open wide flooding the skin with blood. Many people blush because they think others will make fun of them if they blush. In most case blush is based on unrealistic thoughts.

Certain types of antidepressant such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) can be used to reduce blushing. However, as any other antidepressant the side effects can do worse than blushing.

If your blushing is severe you should contact your GP and ask for advice as the origin may be physical and not psychological. If your blushing is psychological hypnotherapy is enough to regulate your blushing and get rid of it.