Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychology to overcome O.C.D.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental condition where an individual has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour that can lead to worry, discomfort, apprehension or fear.

How it works

back of a woman near a lake

What is an obsession? Obsession is a recurrent persistent thought, impulse or image that enters a individual’s conscious memory, despite his/her own will.

What is a compulsion? Compulsion is a repetitive action that is performed as a ritual.

For example, someone with an obsessive fear of their house being burgled may feel they need to check all the windows and doors are locked several times before they can leave the house.

Symptoms of OCD may include repeated checking, excessive washing or cleaning, aversion to particular numbers, extreme hoarding, preoccupation with sexual performance, fixation on certain objects, people or ideas, violent or religious thoughts, relationship-related obsessions, and nervous rituals such as opening and closing a door a certain number of times before entering or leaving a room.

What causes OCD?

Unfortunately it was not possible to find out what exactly causes OCD. However, we know that genes play a role and you are more likely to develop OCD if a family member has it.

Personality. Meticulous people may be more likely to develop OCD, as may those who are generally quite anxious or have a very strong sense of responsibility for themselves and others.

Brain differences. Some people with OCD tend to release unusual levels of serotonin which lowers or increases neurotransmissions in the brain.

Life events. Bullying, abuse or neglect may also triggers OCD and it sometimes starts after an important life event, such as childbirth or bereavement.

People with OCD generally recognise their obsession and are not happy with these compulsive rituals or thoughts. OCD affects children, adolescents and adults and can cause severe emotional and financial distress.

Treatments for OCD

There are some effective treatments for OCD that can help reduce the impact the condition has on your life, and it includes medication and therapy

Doctors usually recommend SSRIs that will help to control the levels of serotonin released by the brain. But as any other antidepressant it can have serious side effects. I always recommend any other treatment before moving into chemicals.

Hypnotherapy will help you face fears and obsessive thoughts accepting them without the need of putting them right. Hypnotherapy can also help you to move away from antidepressants if you are already taking them.